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Student Wellbeing

An overview of Wellbeing at St Joseph's


Wellbeing for Learning

Our Student Wellbeing focuses on students feeling safe and happy at school. Students who feel safe and happy are in the best position to learn. 


The Student Wellbeing Leader facilitates and supports programs and teacher education, to maximize the social and emotional learning opportunities for all our students. This is developed through the promotion of resilience and the building of positive relationships between students, as well as students, staff and parents.


Students participate in fortnightly wellbeing lessons encompassing social and emotional learning, respectful relationships and the zones of regulation.

Positive Behavior for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is implemented across the school. PBL provides consistent positive behaviour expectations across the entire school. These positive behaviours are taught explicitly and reinforced.  PBL offers 3 tiers of behaviour support to cater for individual needs.


Students participate in weekly social and emotional skill lessons focusing on our school expectations, respectful relationships, identifying emotions and self-regulation. 


Be Caring


Be Safe


Be a Learner

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Clubs & Buddies

Lunchtime clubs run to engage students in a variety of fun activities and to encourage extracurricular skills and interests, as well as providing students with an option to participate in structured playtime when the playground feels overwhelming. 
Our buddy program ensures students are connected with older students to support them in their transition to school. Prep students connect with their year 5 buddy early in their first term. 

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